Before you read this it is important that you understand that I am a deeply religious man. This means that I examine every thought and I have come to understand self and the illusions of the images of self. It also means that I have gone beyond self and have learned to examine things in such a way that I can come upon that which is true and discard that which is false. It means that I have gone beyond all divisions, including the irreducible "I" ending all psychological conflict. I bring no harm to anyone that has not harmed me or anyone else and I fabricate nothing and have no motive. It also means that I observe my mind and its processes and its relation to Creation. Simply put, I operate as nature intended me to and I have gone beyond the illusions of my conditioning. Now if you are interested in the absolute truth, then read on...
The unbalanced female who beat the crap out of me and filed bogus reports several days later, is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and sometimes goes to church on Sunday.
The detective, who committed back-to-back felony crimes in his every attempt to manufacture my guilt, is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and sometimes goes to church on Sunday.
The investigator with the DA’s office who supported the malicious prosecution against me is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.
The District Attorney, who allowed the malicious prosecution and the insanity of my case to continue for over four long years, is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.
The prosecutor, who carried out the malicious prosecution against me, is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and goes to church on Sunday.
The Sheriff who did nothing about these heinous crimes committed against my family and me by one of his own, is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.
The judge who covered up for felony tampering with evidence is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.
The second attorney who ripped me off of thousands of dollars and did nothing to help me to fight this injustice, believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.
The governor who deceived me by saying that he was going to have the Georgia Bureau of Investigation “review” my case (which was their code word for do nothing), is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.
The editor in chief of the local paper who lied to me about my case and covers up for malfeasance and corruption here in Cherokee County, Georgia, believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.
Those who do advocacy work and fight the injustice system, with few exceptions, believe in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often go to church on Sunday.
Most of those who have been wronged by the justice system and fight against injustice, believe in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often go to church on Sunday.
When you talk to any one of these people and point out the wrong actions of another, the redundant response is, “Well, there're not really a Christian”...And one of the most amazing aspects of many of these people is that they actually believe that the earth is 6,000 years old! Duhhhh!!! Now how stupid is that!?! There are thousands of facts through documented research that proves the earth is billions of years old, yet that does not matter to these people.
Some basic facts:
Fact: The “heavens” are not constant.
Fact: The earth is not the center of the universe or the center of the solar system.
Fact: The earth is not flat.
Fact: The earth is not 6000 years old.
Fact: The bible is NOT the "Word of God".
Fact: The bible is false.
Fact: The biblical Christ never existed.
Fact: Thought has created and invented all the religions throughout the world.
Thomas Paine, one of are Founding Farthers, wrote More Common Sense, which was the catalist behind the revolution that brought AMERICA into being....A MAN who was willing to travel anywhere in the world to combat atheism and to establish proof of the existence of a Creative energy, which he chose to call God, can hardly be denounced as an atheist himself, but this is what happened to Thomas Paine. His crusade was based on the love of God and man, yet he was flayed as an infidel and enemy of God, when, in fact, he was only the enemy of religion.
Thomas Pain summed up the problem with our twisted perpective of those in positions of power when he wrote, "It is by distordedly exalting some men, that others are distortedly disbased."
And what did this great man of integrity have to say about the bible?
"Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel."
Thomas Paine
"In my pulications on religious subjects," he later wrote, "my endeavors have been directed to bring man to a right use of the reason that God has given him; to impress on him the great principles of divine morality, justice, and mercy, and a benevolent disposition to all men, and to all creatures; and to inspire in him a spirit of trust, confidence and consolation, in his Creator, unshackled by the fables of books pretending to be the word of God."
Thought has created, invented all the religions throughout the world.
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