Friday, September 28, 2007

Does anyone else see a pattern here?

Does anyone else see a pattern here?

Before you read this it is important that you understand that I am a deeply religious man. This means that I examine every thought and I have come to understand self and the illusions of the images of self. It also means that I have gone beyond self and have learned to examine things in such a way that I can come upon that which is true and discard that which is false. It means that I have gone beyond all divisions, including the irreducible "I" ending all psychological conflict. I bring no harm to anyone that has not harmed me or anyone else and I fabricate nothing and have no motive. It also means that I observe my mind and its processes and its relation to Creation. Simply put, I operate as nature intended me to and I have gone beyond the illusions of my conditioning. Now if you are interested in the absolute truth, then read on...

The unbalanced female who beat the crap out of me and filed bogus reports several days later, is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and sometimes goes to church on Sunday.

The detective, who committed back-to-back felony crimes in his every attempt to manufacture my guilt, is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and sometimes goes to church on Sunday.

The investigator with the DA’s office who supported the malicious prosecution against me is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.

The District Attorney, who allowed the malicious prosecution and the insanity of my case to continue for over four long years, is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.

The prosecutor, who carried out the malicious prosecution against me, is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and goes to church on Sunday.

The Sheriff who did nothing about these heinous crimes committed against my family and me by one of his own, is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.

The judge who covered up for felony tampering with evidence is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.

The second attorney who ripped me off of thousands of dollars and did nothing to help me to fight this injustice, believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.

The governor who deceived me by saying that he was going to have the Georgia Bureau of Investigation “review” my case (which was their code word for do nothing), is a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.

The editor in chief of the local paper who lied to me about my case and covers up for malfeasance and corruption here in Cherokee County, Georgia, believes in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often goes to church on Sunday.

Those who do advocacy work and fight the injustice system, with few exceptions, believe in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often go to church on Sunday.

Most of those who have been wronged by the justice system and fight against injustice, believe in Jesus Christ and the bible, and often go to church on Sunday.

When you talk to any one of these people and point out the wrong actions of another, the redundant response is, “Well, there're not really a Christian”...And one of the most amazing aspects of many of these people is that they actually believe that the earth is 6,000 years old! Duhhhh!!! Now how stupid is that!?! There are thousands of facts through documented research that proves the earth is billions of years old, yet that does not matter to these people.

Some basic facts:

Fact: The “heavens” are not constant.

Fact: The earth is not the center of the universe or the center of the solar system.

Fact: The earth is not flat.

Fact: The earth is not 6000 years old.

Fact: The bible is NOT the "Word of God".

Fact: The bible is false.

Fact: The biblical Christ never existed.

Fact: Thought has created and invented all the religions throughout the world.

Thomas Paine, one of are Founding Farthers, wrote More Common Sense, which was the catalist behind the revolution that brought AMERICA into being....A MAN who was willing to travel anywhere in the world to combat atheism and to establish proof of the existence of a Creative energy, which he chose to call God, can hardly be denounced as an atheist himself, but this is what happened to Thomas Paine. His crusade was based on the love of God and man, yet he was flayed as an infidel and enemy of God, when, in fact, he was only the enemy of religion.

Thomas Pain summed up the problem with our twisted perpective of those in positions of power when he wrote, "It is by distordedly exalting some men, that others are distortedly disbased."

And what did this great man of integrity have to say about the bible?

"Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel."

Thomas Paine

"In my pulications on religious subjects," he later wrote, "my endeavors have been directed to bring man to a right use of the reason that God has given him; to impress on him the great principles of divine morality, justice, and mercy, and a benevolent disposition to all men, and to all creatures; and to inspire in him a spirit of trust, confidence and consolation, in his Creator, unshackled by the fables of books pretending to be the word of God."

Thought has created, invented all the religions throughout the world.

Thursday, September 27, 2007



People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered. Yet, love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Yet, do good anyway.

When you fight against deception and corruption, many will fight against you. Yet, fight against deception and corruption anyway.

If you are successful in your actions, you will win false friends and true enemies. Yet, succeed anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Yet, be honest and frank anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Yet, do good anyway.

If you refuse to be indifferent about false beliefs people will reject you and want to harm you or even kill you, yet refuse to be indifferent anyway.

When you talk of going beyond self, people will think you're nuts, yet go beyond self anyway.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


These are two favorites of mine. The blue heron and the turtle. When I was building my families custom home that I designed and built from the ground up, in this vertual paradise by the Etowah River and Lake Allatoona, I often thought of how the turtle would keep going and eventually get there. I once spent several hours watching a blue heron patiently wait for a fish, then catching one by remarkably spearing it with his beak, then instantly slinging it up in the air and catching it in his mouth. Niether the turtle or the blue heron pray to god to do what they do....They simply live and do what they are desinged to do. The sacredness of life cannot be brought into focus through any religion or any god that man has made. Beliefs and disbeliefs are oposite sides of the same coin. Continuous acts of goodness and love do not come from belief or disbelief, but through a self understanding that comes upon the illusions and evil of self. Love is never deceptive and manipulative and love has no motive.

Tainted Media?!!!

This is an interesting video confrontation of Ashley Fuller, the investigative reporter with The Cherokee Tribune. He never covered the nightmare that happened to my family and me. This newspaper, run by Barbara Jacoby, covers up for the corruption in this town.

Violent Crimes Unit?!!!

Barbara Jacoby, with The Cherokee Tribune calls "911" because I shot a video of an interview with a reporter that was supposed to investigate my case. This case got dropped at the demands of the Editor in Chief, Barbara Jacoby, who called me a liar by saying that my story was not true. Then they sent the "Major Crimes Division" out to tell me not to go back on their property or send any threatening emails. But no threatening emails were ever sent!! Wow! How often does the media go on private property to do video interviews? I didn't know this was illegal in this country, did you? But committing felony crimes against a citizen in order to manufacture his guilt is not illegal. It's also not illegal for a judge to ignore felony tampering with evidence and to completely forget about the law, due process, my rights, and the Code of Conduct and ethical standards required of him.

Victim wrongly arrested?!!! Then railroaded?!!!

This is the first part of my interview with Attorney Jeff Rusbridge concerning the truth of my case.

Victim wrongly arrested?!!! Then railroaded?!!!

This is the second half of my video concerning my Nightmare in Georgia (put "kerry walker story" in a search engine to read the story and get info on my incredible case)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Flat Earth

A number of young-earth creationists purport to find in Isa. 40:22 and Job 26:7 evidence that the bible teaches that the earth is spherical. A detailed analysis of key Hebrew words and their translations in ancient and modern versions shows that there is no substantive evidence and thus no warrant for this claim. But that is another work. They also claim that the bible does NOT say anything about the earth being flat. This work demonstrates their denial of the truth of the flat earth bible.

The Earth is Flat

When I first became interested in the flat-earthers in the early 1970s, I was surprised to learn that flat-earthism in the English-speaking world is and always has been entirely based upon the bible. I have since assembled and read an extensive collection of flat-earth literature. The biblical arguments for flat-earthism that follow come mainly from my reading of flat-earth literature, augmented by my own reading of the bible.

The bible is, from Genesis to Revelation, a flat-earth book, implying that the writer viewed the habitable earth as a four-cornered area that sat fixed on a foundation.

Except among biblical inerrantists, it is generally agreed that the bible describes an immovable earth. At the 1984 National bible-Science Conference in Cleveland, geocentrist James N. Hanson told me there are hundreds of scriptures that suggest the earth is immovable. I suspect some must be a bit vague, but here are a few obvious texts:

1 Chronicles 16:30: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.”

Psalm 93:1: “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ...”

Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ...”

Psalm 104:5: “Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken.”

Isaiah 45:18: “...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast...”

Suffice to say that the earth envisioned by flat-earthers is as immovable as any geocentrist could desire. Most (perhaps all) scriptures commonly cited by geocentrists have also been cited by flat-earthers. The flat-earth view is geocentricity with further restrictions.

Like geocentrists, flat-earth advocates often give long lists of texts. Samuel Birley Rowbotham, founder of the modern flat-earth movement, cited 76 scriptures in the last chapter of his monumental second edition of Earth not a Globe. Apostle Anton Darms, assistant to the Reverend Wilbur Glenn Voliva, America's best known flat-earther, compiled 50 questions about the creation and the shape of the earth, bolstering his answers with up to 20 scriptures each. Rather than presenting an exhaustive compendium of flat-earth scriptures, I focus on those which seem to me the strongest. I also comment on some attempts to find the earth's sphericity in the bible.

Scriptural quotes, unless otherwise noted, are from the New English Bible. Hebrew and Greek translations are from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. The biblical cosmology is never explicitly stated, so it must be pieced together from scattered passages. The bible is a composite work, so there is no a priori reason why the cosmology assumed by its various writers should be relatively consistent, but it is. The bible is, from Genesis to Revelation, a flat-earth book.

This is hardly surprising. As neighbors, the ancient Hebrews had the Egyptians to the southwest and the Babylonians to the northeast. Both civilizations had flat-earth cosmologies. The biblical cosmology closely parallels the Sumero-Babylonian cosmology, and it may also draw upon Egyptian cosmology.

The Babylonian universe was shaped like a modern domed stadium. The Babylonians considered the earth essentially flat, with a continental mass surrounded by ocean. The vault of the sky was a physical object resting upon the ocean's waters (and perhaps also upon pillars). Sweet (salt-free) waters below the Earth sometimes manifest themselves as springs. The Egyptian universe was also enclosed, but it was rectangular instead of round. Indeed, it was shaped much like an old-fashioned steamer trunk. (The Egyptians pictured the goddess Nut stretched across the sky as the enclosing dome.)

What was the Hebrew view of the universe?

The Shape of the Earth

Disregarding the dome, the essential flatness of the earth's surface is required by verses like Daniel 4:10-11. In Daniel, the king “saw a tree of great height at the centre of the earth...reaching with its top to the sky and visible to the earth's farthest bounds.” If the earth were flat, a sufficiently tall tree would be visible to “the earth's farthest bounds,” but this is impossible on a spherical earth. Likewise, in describing the temptation of Jesus by Satan, Matthew 4:8 says, “Once again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world [cosmos] in their glory.” Obviously, this would be possible only if the earth were flat. The same is true of Revelation 1:7: “Behold, he is coming with the clouds! Every eye shall see him...”

The Book of Enoch

The cosmology previously described is derived from the bible itself, following the 19th century flat-earthers. Some of the evidence is more ambiguous than we would like. Ambiguities in ancient documents can often be elucidated by consulting contemporary documents. The most important ancient document describing Hebrew cosmology is 1 Enoch (sometimes called the Ethiopic Book of Enoch), one of those long, disjointed, scissors and paste jobs beloved by ancient scribes. For a dozen or so centuries, European scholars knew 1 Enoch only from numerous passages preserved in the patristic literature. In 1773, the Scottish adventurer James Bruce found complete copies in Ethiopia.

Numerous manuscripts of 1 Enoch have since been found in Ethiopian monasteries. Turn of the century scholars concluded that parts of the book are pre-Maccabean, and most (perhaps all) of it was composed by 100 B.C. [Charles, 1913]. These conclusions were largely vindicated when numerous fragments of 1 Enoch were found among the so-called Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran. There have been two major English translations of 1 Enoch, the 1913 translation of R. H. Charles and the 1983 translation by E. Isaac. All of the quotations that follow come from the newer translation.

The importance of 1 Enoch is poorly appreciated outside the scholarly community. Comparison of its text with New Testament books reveals that many Enochian doctrines were taken over by early Christians. E. Isaac writes:

There is little doubt that 1 Enoch was influential in molding New Testament doctrines concerning the nature of the Messiah, the Son of Man, the messianic kingdom, demonology, the future, resurrection, final judgment, the whole eschatological theater, and symbolism. No wonder, therefore, that the book was highly regarded by many of the apostolic and Church Fathers [1986, 10].

First Enoch influenced Matthew, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, and several other New Testament books. The punishment of the fallen angels described in 2 Peter seems to come directly from 1 Enoch, as does much of the imagery (or even wording) in Revelation. The Epistle of Jude contains the most dramatic evidence of its influence when it castigates “enemies of religion” as follows:

It was to them that Enoch, the seventh in descent from Adam, directed his prophecy when he said: “I saw the Lord come with his myriads of angels, to bring all men to judgment and to convict all the godless of all the godless deeds they had committed, and of all the defiant words which godless sinners had spoken against him (Jude 14- 15).”

The inner quote, 1 Enoch 1:9, is found in the original Hebrew on a recently-published Qumran fragment [Shanks, 1987, 18]. By attributing prophecy to Enoch, Jude confers inspired status upon the book.

First Enoch is important for another reason. Unlike the canonical books of the bible, which (in my view) were never meant to teach science, sections of 1 Enoch were intended to describe the natural world. The narrator sometimes sounds like a 2nd century B.C. Carl Sagan explaining the heavens and earth to the admiring masses. The Enochian cosmology is precisely the flat-earth cosmology previously derived from the canonical books.

I went to the extreme ends of the earth and saw there huge beasts, each different from the other and different birds (also) differing from one another in appearance, beauty, and voice. And to the east of those beasts, I saw the ultimate ends of the earth which rests on the heaven. And the gates of heaven were open, and I saw how the stars of heaven come out...(1 Enoch 33:1-2).

Again, Enoch says, “I went in the direction of the north, to the extreme ends of the earth, and there at the extreme end of the whole world I saw a great and glorious seat. There (also) I saw three open gates of heaven; when it blows cold, hail, frost, snow, dew, and rain, through each one of the (gates) the winds proceed in the northwesterly direction (1 Enoch 34:1-2).” This accords well with Jeremiah 51:16 which says, “he brings up the mist from the ends of the earth, he opens rifts for the rain and brings the wind out of his storehouses.” In subsequent chapters, Enoch journeys “to the extreme ends of the earth” in the west, south, and east. In each place he saw three more “open gates of heaven.”

There were other things to be seen at the ends of the earth. Earlier, we deferred discussion of the King James version of Job 26:7, “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” On several occasions when Enoch and the angel are out beyond the dome of heaven, Enoch comments that there is nothing above or below. For instance, “And I came to an empty place. And I saw (there) neither a heaven above nor an earth below, but a chaotic and terrible place (1 Enoch 21:1-2).” Could this be the kind of nothingness referred to in Job?
An angel also showed Enoch the storerooms of the winds (18:1) and the cornerstone of the earth (18:2).

Weaker Arguments

Flat-earthers also offer some scriptural arguments that are (in my view) weak, ambiguous, erroneous, or irrelevant. (Ironically, it is these that apologists for sphericity usually choose to deal with in their rebuttals to the flat-earthers!) The weak and ambiguous arguments can help support a cumulative picture but are insufficient on their own.

One of the weaker scriptural arguments is that the sky literally has openings (windows) which God can open to let the waters above fall to the surface as rain (see Genesis 7:11, Genesis 8:2, Isaiah 24:18-19, Jeremiah 51:15-16, and Malachi 3:10). While the idea and scriptures are certainly consistent with the flat-earth cosmology, they could (for instance) refer to openings in a spherical shell surrounding a spherical earth. The same applies to the Tower of Babel story in Genesis 11:4, often cited as an attempt to literally reach the heavens.

Likewise, flat-earthers frequently cite the numerous Old Testament verses referring to the earth's foundations (see 2 Samuel 22:16, Job 38:4, Psalm 18:15, Proverbs 8:29, Isaiah 24:18, and numerous others). Foundations are, however, fairly well-covered by geocentricity. No one would argue for a flat-earth solely on the basis of “foundations” quotes.

Another less-than-conclusive argument that the bible is a flat-earth book is its references to the earth's “corners.” For example, “After this, I saw four angels stationed at the four corners [gonia] of the earth holding back the four winds...(Revelation 7:1).” Spherical apologists are quick to point out that the Greek gonia can refer to regions rather than points. Most translations of the bible opt for points (the King James version says “on the corners of the earth”), implying that the writer viewed the habitable earth as a four-cornered area. (This was indeed the way many early churchmen interpreted it [Cosmas, 548]. The modern flat-earth model doesn't have literal corners.) The corners could, however, be those regions at the ends of the earth referred to by Jeremiah: “[H]e brings up the mist from the ends of the earth, he opens rifts for the rain and brings the wind out of his storehouses (Jeremiah 51:16).” We shall return to the ends of the earth.

The biblical view of the universe is relatively clear and consistent. biblical statements bearing on cosmology are (with one possible exception yet to be discussed) consistent with the well-known flat-earth cosmologies of the ancient Near East, but they are often flatly con- tradicted by modern science. How do spherical apologists reply?


From their geographical and historical context, one would expect the ancient Hebrews to have a flat-earth cosmology. Indeed, from the very beginning, ultra-orthodox Christians have been flat-earthers, arguing that to believe otherwise is to deny the literal truth of the bible. The flat-earth implications of the bible were rediscovered and popularized by English-speaking Christians in the mid-19th century. Liberal scriptural scholars later derived the same view. Thus, students with remarkably disparate points of view independently concluded that the ancient Hebrews had a flat-earth cosmology, often deriving this view from scripture alone. Their conclusions were dramatically confirmed by the rediscovery of 1 Enoch.

From the work of Robert J Schadewald

On March 12, 2000, Robert J Schadewald, died in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Bob was a technical writer by profession, but was also known by many others as a researcher of the scientifically quirky. The creation/evolution issue occupied much of his time, but his true specialty was the turn-of-the-century flat-earth, geocentric, and hollow-earth movements. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was truly the authority on these early pseudosciences, about which he wrote several articles.

He assembled an unusually complete library of materials on these enthusiasms, including original books and pamphlets as well as copies of obscure and one-of-a-kind items archived at libraries in the US and abroad. Bob was a bibliophile’s bibliophile: whenever he visited a city, he inevitably would check the library’s holdings, and he always made the rounds of used bookstores. Bob's library reflected his fascination with how science could be distorted, spun around, and turned inside out to justify false claims, whether those of special creation, or the even more bizarre "theory" of a hollow earth. He delighted in pointing out similarities in how geocentrists, flat-earthers, and creationists marshaled their arguments. One of his prize possessions was a framed certificate declaring him a member of the International Flat Earth Society, headed by Charles K Johnson, of Lancaster, California. He was always happy to relate the story of how Johnson rescinded his membership after he discovered that Bob possessed “spherical tendencies”.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Wyn's log cabin 1

This is a picture of the front of the little log cabin with my brother Wyn standing at the door. The cabin is on top of Suck Creek Mountain on the edge of a 1500 ft bluff overlooking the Saquatchie Valley (the longest valley in the world). At this point we are over half way done.

Wyn's log cabin 2

This is a picture of me sitting on top of “Wildman’s Loft”—One of two lofts in the top floor of the log cabin. “Wildman” was once an often used nickname for me.

Wyn's log cabin 3

This is a picture of the 7 x 10 ft camper my brother lived in (on left side of pic) on his 5 acre track of land. This is also a picture of the tent that I stayed in for three months of the eight months I stayed on the mountain while building the log cabin. The little log cabin is back behind the red truck. On one very stormy night I hi-tailed it into the safer loft of the log cabin and remained there for five more months until completion.

This was not a kit and the logs had to be cut to length and notched in order to fit together. I custom made all the trim out of the pine that my brother bought and I also hand made the treads and the landing for the spiral staircase. We also installed the metal roof and the 3 inch insulation that went under it. That was a ton of fun because we put in more screws than Carter has liver pills!

My brother is disabled and he worked hard to help me get the job done. He rents out the cabin now and then in order to make ends meet and you can find this info and the final pictures by clicking here…
Log Cabin in the Clouds

Monday, September 10, 2007

Nicolas Copernicus's Influence on Christians


(from the work of) J. Rixey Ruffin

In Prussia stands the stately Town of Thorn
Wherein the great Copernicus was born,
Who did the pure Astronomy display
And took Urania’s dusky Vails away.

—Daniel Travis, An Almanac (1723)

By forcing Western culture to contemplate nothing short of a
re-ordering of the Universe, Nicolas Copernicus’s 1543 work, De
Revolutionibus Orbium Caelestium, set in motion an intellectual
revolution that did not begin to come to rest for over one hundred
and fifty years. While heliocentrism may have been accepted by
most of the Puritan elite, it is doubtful that ordinary (religious)
folk followed their lead. Indeed, evidence from England, where
different rates of acceptance prevailed, suggest that we should
do well to examine the issue more closely. Even as late as 1753,
an English writer commented, “Many Common Christians to this

day firmly believe that the earth really stands still and that the
sun moves all round the earth once a day.”

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Why I'm Not Attached to Any Religion

Why I’m Not Attached to Any Religion

By Kerry Walker—This June 27, 2005

Okay, as much as I would rather not have to do this, I will explain my feelings about religion, or “Christianity”. The difficulty is going to be for you to listen to what I have to say. The power of conditioning is very strong, and let me say that I may be wrong and you may be right, so just listen and then maybe you can accept me for what I am. I can promise you that I will accept you for what you are, as long as you bring no harm to me or to others. To listen we must put aside our conditioning, our prejudice, our daily activities and just listen. This is going to be one of our difficulties.

I was brought up in a “Christian” family that was loving but very dysfunctional, and my uncle was a preacher and his wife, my Aunt, was very fanatically religious. My family life would involve going to church and to an occasional bible study, quoting scriptures, getting preached to, and all the rest of it. My father was a member of a Masonic Lodge, and he was a good man, but he had a very difficult time coping, and I believe this was because of the trauma of WWII and the injuries he suffered in that war, both physical and psychological, fighting for our freedom.

My dad stayed sick most of his life and had some bad luck with hospitals and doctors. He caught staff infection at Grady Hospital after being wheeled out into the hall during surgery in order for a trauma patient to come in, and later in life he underwent seven surgeries in failed attempts to reconnect his intestines after surgically removing part of them. They finally succeeded hooking him back up and got things working again.

My father taught me to question things, to doubt, in order to come upon the truth. My mother would say she was a Christian only if asked, but she would never quote scripture or impose her beliefs on anyone. My mother is probably the perfect example of a “deeply religious” woman, because I have never known her to lie, and she will take the food out of her mouth to feed a hungry stranger, and she has never brought harm to anyone, and she would never turn her back on someone just because they were not “Christian.” My mother is the most honest and sweetest human being I have ever known and she too came to understand me and to accept my concept of this mysterious and unknown cosmic energy behind creation.

When I became a “Jesus Freak” in my early teens, no one seemed to understand me, and I was really in my own little world. I did not make a big deal of it and I remember walking barefooted down the road and looking down at my feet and I really believed that I was looking at the feet of man like Jesus. I tried to accept people that seemed a bit odd and I would befriend people that others did not seem to like.

When my parents moved across the river into another county, they yanked me out of North Springs High and put me in Wheeler High. I was on the Gymnastic teem at North Springs High and it was a “high class” school, and Wheeler was…, well it was like being in the early 60’s, it was full of a bunch of hell raising rednecks, and there was no Gymnastic team. When my parents jumped the river, my older brother was a senior and I was in tenth grade, so they used a neighbor’s address to keep him at North Springs for his senior year. I was very resentful to my parents for doing this to me (although, of course, they had really done nothing to me). I got involved with smoking dope and then the use of other drugs, on rare occasions, crept into my life. My life was like a roller coaster ride of being “saved” and “clean as a whistle”, to being “saved” and indulging in drugs, and at times drinking alcoholic beverages, usually in excess. My relationship with “God” and drugs began to go hand and hand. I loved to ride my dirt bikes and my street bikes and I loved to cliff dive and water ski, and I did many adventurous things in my life.

One time, when I was seventeen, a friend and I were riding our motorcycles down by the Chattahoochee River on a Sunday afternoon, and we parked our bikes in this area where a huge sewer line was being put in. We looked at this large ditch and climbed around on the dirt a little while, and then we walked down by the river’s edge and skipped rocks across the water. When we walked back to get our motorcycles, a man had drove up and as we got closer we realized he had a gun pointed at us. He told us that we had done thousands of dollars worth of damage to the heavy equipment. We were scared to death and told him that we had not touched this machinery and had not been there long. We were arrested for damaging this heavy equipment and my father fought hard and spent thousands of dollars to fly the owner of this company from California and to finally get the charges dropped.

This was my first introduction to how easily a person could be arrested for something they did not do. This unpleasant experience of being arrested falsely came about a few more times during the early years of my life. Then I was arrested when I was nineteen and just before the start of my second year in college for a small amount of marijuana found in my friends car in New Jersey. At this time any amount of marijuana, even a seed, was a felony. The good news was my date that night was the daughter of the mayor of the town, and they eventually dropped her charges, so they had to drop ours. (We were told that the arrest would not be on our record, but this was a big lie.)

It was not until I was 22 years old and I had just graduated from college with a degree in Architectural Engineering, that my friends bought a couple of kegs of beer and gave me a graduation party at my apartment. I had been offered cocaine many times over the last few years, but I always refused to do it. My family came a watched me graduate and then I went to my party around 2:00 o’clock and started drinking beer and smoking pot. Sometime around midnight a friend of mine that had offered me cocaine many times over the years, came over. I was drunk and probably in a near blackout and somehow I ended up in the bathroom with this guy and I did my first line of cocaine. I remember coming out of this drunken stupor and into a state of clarity and boy did I feel good. This was the beginning of a long love affair that turned into a very serious addiction. During the onset of my addiction I was constantly with my belief in bible and the “Christian God” and my life revolved around this drug and the beliefs of the Christian religion.

Then one day I borrowed my next door neighbor’s living bible and began to read it from the very beginning. As I read through the bible I began to question it and I began to realize that this book might not be true. Because of my drug use and the confusion in my life, I would accept this religion at one point and then at another I would question it or reject it entirely. It was a very scary ride. In fact, it was often after a cocaine binge that I would believe that I became more conscious of God and would try to get even closer to God.

I continued on this roller coaster ride until the beginning of 1984, when I finally decided that I needed to change my ways. I went straight and started taking very good care of my girlfriend and myself. We got a house together I began remodeling this house and fixing it up. We became vegetarians and she worked at Life Grocery, a health food store, and I ran a successful home improvement business.

I was clean for over a year and a half and then an old acquaintance stopped by while I was working on a set of drawings for a custom home for my older brother. I had run into this old acquaintance about a week earlier while I was in town paying some bills. This guy had ripped me off of a thousand bucks about fifteen years earlier and I had traveled to Montezuma, Georgia, way back then in an unsuccessful attempt to collect my money. I told him that I was busy and that I did not drink or do drugs, and that I was not involved with them anymore, and I ran him off. He was persistent about talking to me, and on another visit he mentioned setting me straight on this money he owed me. I declined to talk with him further, and he left.

He began to come by our house almost every week and he continued to bring beer by and to force his way into my life. After having an argument with my girlfriend and finding out that she was having an affair, and after she had left in anger, he came by once again. I finally broke down and let him into my home, and we talked and he mentioned about getting me the thousand dollars he owed me and a lot more money on top of that. I ended up having a beer with him, and this led to another beer and then we smoked some pot and finally he brought out some cocaine and we did several lines of coke. Before he left I told him that I would like to buy some coke. He explained to me that he had brought that with him from South Georgia and that he did not know where to get it around this area, and that is what he wanted to talk to me about. I told him that I have not fooled with drugs in a long time and that I had no idea where to get them.

This marry-go-round went on for several months and I had gotten back into my addiction. My girlfriend left me and I continue down a spiraling hill of addiction and confusion. This fellow, Jerry Law (and this is his real name), had asked me again and again to get him large amount of drugs. I suspected that he was an informant and I even asked him if he was a nark, and his uneasy response to this question made me even more suspicious.

I finally broke down and got him a measly half a gram of coke and met him and another fellow at Applebee’s for the sell. After this he continued to bug me for large amount of drugs. He wanted me to get him fifty pounds of pot and some kilos of cocaine. After more weeks went by, I finally told him that I would get him a half of an ounce of coke if he would give me the thousand dollars up front to go get it. I knew that if this buddy of his was a narcotics agent he would not front me the money. We met several times after agreeing to this, but they refused to give me the money to go get the drugs. Finally, after I refused to do the deal any other way, this narcotics agent fronted me the money, and gave me $1000.00 to go buy drugs. I got him a half of an ounce and stomped on it really hard, to get a bunch of coke for me to do. (For those that have never been involved with drugs this simply means that I took out about half the cocaine and replaced it with an inert white powder.)

After a binge on the nearly a quarter ounce of cocaine I took from them, and nearly dying, I never had anything else to do with this guy again. I attempted to stay straight but I continued to relapse, and after loosing my home and most everything else, I was arrested about six months latter while staying at a friend’s house in another town. Right after my arrest, they wanted me to work with them and they were going to go easy on me, but I refused to do it and took the consequences. I ended up taking a plea in 1988 and getting a 10 serve 5 do 3 sentence. I did 6 months 11 days of confined hell and I was placed in a cell with “lifers” and one attempted to kill me when I let everyone know that I was getting out on early release. I later learned that this was a big mistake in a lifer prison.

After my release I was not the same person that I was before. I was very confused and I would have nightmares and anxiety attacks. I would stay clean for long periods of time and then I would drink again and sometime use cocaine. When I was called in for urine test, I would drink mass quantities of water to flush my system. It was something I did on several occasions. The lab test came back and they indicated that my system had been flushed. My parole officer warned me about this and she told me in no uncertain terms that I better not have another test come back like these.

The last drinking and drug binge I went on a bizarre event occurred. I started seeing myself as if I was looking down from above. It was the strangest thing to experience. I then saw how messed up my life had become and when I lay down early that morning it was like a bolt of lightening hitting me that this energy behind all creation was real, but it had nothing to do with any religion!

The next day, the 12th day of April 1992, I went to my father and told him about my experience and that I needed help and wanted to go to treatment. Having heard this treatment crap several times before and having me always change my mind, he blew up and began yelling at me and swinging his arms as he came at me. My father was a high-strung diabetic, and I began blocking his swings and my open hand hit him on the side of his face by his left eye. We continued to argue as I began leaving and my father followed me outside. We both are very loud when we yell and the next-door neighbor heard us yelling and called the police. My father, being a twice a day, or more, insulin dependant diabetic, had very tender skin, and I had made a small mark on the side of his face. This was enough for me to go to jail, even though my mother cried and begged the officer not to take me.

I ended up going to jail for several weeks and then to a military style boot camp of Zell Miller’s and then to a 21-day treatment center. I got out of this treatment center with a bag of cloths to my name, and I went from there working landscaping for a buddy of mine long enough to buy a vehicle. From there I went on to build a home improvement business and to stay sober for the rest of my life. I worked through all twelve steps of the Twelve Step program. I met a few others that had gotten rid of this punishing and vengeful God and who had found a loving energy as I had found. The neatest thing about what happened to me was that this insight that I had about this energy behind creation, never left me and I decided to read the bible again from cover to cover. I spent years doing scriptural analysis and uncovered contradictions in scripture and between the books of the bible. From there I realized what this creative energy was relating to me was true. This book was NOT the word of God and I would have to be a little bit odd and a little bit stupid to believe it was!

I then studied the bible like I had never done before. I did in depth scriptural analysis and wrote down detailed accounts of all kinds of blatant contradictions in scripture and in the books of the bible. I studied six different translations of the bible and wrote down the many contradictions between them. I realized that this energy behind all creation was outside of all this thought created and invented nonsense, and that this creative energy had made this very clear to me.

I saw how people that believed in this “religion” were often confused and unwilling to stand up for the truth, and were very fast to judge others. I saw how “religion” was destroying mankind and this marvelous earth and how those with “religion” were so superficial and fed off the misfortunes of others, and often claiming that everything was God’s will. I saw how these people with “religion” could never agree on anything and were so caught up in a world of their own making, and in a world in their own minds.

There’s no one on this earth that wishes the bible was the literal word of God and that this religion were true more than I do, after what I have been through, but unfortunately it is not. Over the years I have seen and studied how the mind becomes conditioned and how this conditioning is so difficult to understand. In fact there is no such thing as a completely unconditioned mind. There is only the mind that has come to understand conditioning, and can, for the most part, go beyond it.

I have had so much harm brought to me by “Christians”, and the oddest thing is that the legal system we have in place today has evolved from and is run by these Corporate “Christians”. It is a mutation of the very system, and a product of the very religion that we hoped to leave behind when we came to this new world. The even more bizarre aspect of all this is the fact that those that fight the wrongs in this Christian run system are also professed Christians. It is Christians against Christians! And even more bizarre than that is the fact that anytime you point out any discrepancy from honesty or integrity in those that make up both sides of this fight, the other side will simply say, “Well they’re not really a Christian.” Then when you point out this to the other side the answer is redundant and again the statement, “Well they’re not really a Christian.” My question is, who really is a Christian?!

The simple fact is that most so-called Christians only want harm to come to me or they will justify the harm that I am brought to bear if I do not believe and accept this bizarre religion just as they do.

Judge for yourself if belief has made you a threat to everything that is non-essential and if you accept and love others unconditionally. If it has done this, then you are a deeply religious person, and that is what our creator expects us to be. There is nothing in the Old English translation that says anything about being a “Christian”--- and Jesus was not a “Christian”. Of course the reality is that Jesus, as depicted in religion, never exised.

Our founding fathers were not Christians, but were, for the most part, Deist, and they believed in a Creator and not in “religion”. The Declaration of Independence makes it clear that our Creator endowed us with natural rights.

My God, why don’t you people study what Christianity has really done to mankind! Open your hearts to the truth, because it is this truth that will set you free.

Look at what we did to the natives and the American Indians! According to the bible Jesus tells us to be as harmless as doves but as wise as serpents. Yet most “Christians” will refuse to look at anything that questions the validity of their belief. Contempt prior to investigation is the highest form of ignorance! What happened to this open mind?!

I accept everything in the world to be perfect just the way it is. This allows me to face the reality of the wrongs directly and not to escape from “what is”. I also accept everyone for what they are, and that includes you. Many have told me just to “act like I am a Christian and play the game”; but I refuse in the name of truth to do that. I will not lie just to have you accept me, just like I will not lie and admit to something I did not do just to get two years of probation instead of a possible twenty-year sentence, or more for a crime I did not commit. Where I was the victim!

That’s right. I was the victim of a violent crime and then I was arrested as the perpetrator! And some crooked cop named Preston Peavy commits felony crimes in every attempt to manufacture my guilt and others officers cover for their own! It’s like a band of thieves! What kind of country is this?!

All I ask of you is to accept me for what I am, and not to impose the very belief system on me that I am convinced has created the neurotic and confused society we live in today. Some eighty percent of the people in the legal system are so-called “Christians,” and these are the very people that are bringing this nightmare to me and to your loved ones. This is a fact whether you accept it or not. Christians can bring harm to others or do anything, because they can justify their wrongs because they are “not perfect” and they are “forgiven”, and Jesus died for their sins!!

I wish people could see the evil of religion and how it brings about separation and not brotherhood. If I say that I am a Christian, have I not separated myself from the non-Christians? All religions are based on separation, though they may preach brotherhood. And as soon as a “Christian” finds out where I stand, they want nothing more to do with me. How is this different for the Islam’s and their cynical beliefs?! Where is the love and compassion in this?!

In fact the nightmare I am going through now has it basis in the fact that this woman told Investigator Massey that I did not believe in the bible, and he even asked if I was “atheist”, and I have this on tape (and now in a transcript)! So the entire legal community and the sheriff’s department were out to destroy the “atheist” that had brought harm to the so-called “Christian girl”! When, in truth, it was the “Christian girl” who had brutally beaten the “Deist” and now the State of Georgia is following in her footsteps! Thomas Paine suffered a similar tragedy because he questioned the divinity of Christianity, and thus he was labeled an atheist and destroyed by the ruthlessness of misinformed Christians. The pages of history have been stained blood red in the name of religion!!

Why are we so afraid to look into history and into the truth about religion and the neurosis and even psychosis it has brought to our world? I have studied with an open mind everything there is to learn about religion. Belief is a denial of truth— belief hinders truth. The man who has separated himself from the world of the homemade and the world of reality, is a man with none of these bizarre beliefs.

Truth is a pathless land, and cannot be approached by any path whatsoever. The truth is we are human beings, and not one of us is perfect and we are all fallible and we all have made mistakes and will continue to make mistakes. But why don’t we die to our little mistakes and to the trivial mistakes of others and get on with our lives?! Every minute of our life is precious, so why do we carry over the stupid mistakes of the past and hold them in memory?

The simple truth is that thought has created and invented all the religions throughout the world, and this energy behind creation is unknown and mysterious, and has nothing to do with what thought had conditioned our minds to think. Your effort to be free through the stranglehold of religion will never bring you freedom. It is only when we get past the conditioning of religion that we can absolve the self completely and become part of the very energy that created us. This energy is unknown, and the name is not the thing—the description is not the described.

I have learned how important it is to live like we are dying. It’s like putting our hands together in prayer, and one hand is life and the other is death, and life walks with death. It has been written, “I say unto you, there are none righteous, no not one, except he who has died to self.” If we could all understand this, there would be no war and this world would be a nice place to live. Living a life of truth and goodness and walking with this energy behind all creation has nothing to do with the religions that have been created by man. This energy behind all creation has not written any books.

I have done the most miraculous things in my life after getting rid of religion, and I have lived a life of integrity, with goodness, and respect for others. I designed a physically constructed a beautiful home from the ground up on the most awesome lot in a place that I have loved all my life, and I have helped others along the way. I have gone on to achieve difficult ratings with the United States Parachute Association, and have earned my Accelerated Freefall Instructor and my Pro-demonstration Ratings.

I lost my home and everything else, and had to move into a shed on my property in order fight this battle that should have never been waged. The insanity of this tragedy that ruined my life should tell us that something is wrong. But nothing is done! Most people are too fearful of their own government to stand up against the injustices they often bring to good people. Others are too indifferent to even care.

Some people just live a life of goodness, and my dear sweet, and talented mother is one of those people. The District Attorney, Garry Moss, and all those involved in this nightmare, should realize what they are doing to my mother. My mother has Lupus and this stress is killing her! You people are killing one of the sweetest, honest, and most gentle “Christian” women that ever lived!

The deeply religious are those with goodness and love. Without goodness and love we are not educated human beings, and with love anything is possible.